First paragraph to be added...
Having taken 85% of Palestine’s land, settled it with Jews, driven half the Palestinian people into exile and imprisoned the remainder in tiny, disconnected, “Gaza-fied” enclaves, two more tasks remain for completing the Zionist project of Judaizing Palestine:
Violent suppression of all remaining forms of Palestinian resistance to a point where effective opposition to Israeli colonization becomes impossible, and Normalizing Israel’s apartheid regime in the international community, led by the United States and compliant Arab governments. Normalization will lock the Palestinians into a series of truncated, semi-sovereign, non-viable enclaves on 15% of Palestine, controlled entirely by Israel. That Bantustan will then be called a “state” to satisfy those calling for a “two-state solution.”
Normalization means closure for the Palestinians’ struggle for Palestinian rights, the erasure of the Palestinian issue. Trump’s and Netanyahu’s current push to complete the Abraham Accords represents the greatest threat to the Palestinians since the 1948 Nakba. We must urgently resist it.
Our Campaign Against Normalizing Israeli Apartheid calls on all governments:
- To immediately stop Israel’s campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the West Bank
- To ensure that the Palestinians be included as full partners in any negotiations regarding their future, their national rights and any political resolution to the Palestinian Question.
- To prevent continuation of Israeli colonization and ethnic cleansing.
- To suspend Israel from the UN General Assembly until a just resolution is achieved based on the restoration of Palestinian national rights.
- To enforce international law and UN Resolutions. Simply enforcing existing international law would dismantle Israel’s occupation and pave the way towards a just political resolution.
- To suspend Israeli Associate Membership on the EU, as required by its own regulations.
- To stop arms sales and supplies to Israel.
- To stand firmly against any attempt to remove Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank.
The following six links will provide you with the necessary background information and updates you will need for mounting your own efforts to support our Campaign.